Ms. Adina Shoulson

Ms. Adina Shoulson
Adina Shoulson chairs the SAR High School History Department. Adina received her B.A. from Columbia University and earned her MA in the NYU Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies.


Authored Work

Israel Education at SAR High School

Dr. Laura Shaw Frank and Ms. Adina Shoulson

Podcast Episodes

Israel Education at SAR: Teaching of Israeli History at a Modern Orthodox Day School Featuring Ms. Adina Shoulson, Dr. Laura Shaw Frank, and Rabbi Shmuel Hain

This edition of INSIDE THE CONVERSATION focuses on the critical work of our Israel Education faculty research group. How do we foster strong identification with Medinat Yisrael while simultaneously teaching history critically and comprehensively?  Ms. Adina Shoulson, SAR High School History Department Chair, and Dr. Laura Shaw Frank, AJC Director of Contemporary Jewish Life and former Director of Israel Guidance at SAR High School, explore this question from a number of perspectives.

Posted September 3, 2020 & Featuring Ms. Adina Shoulson, Dr. Laura Shaw Frank, and Rabbi Shmuel Hain