In this episode of the Grand Conversation Podcast, Rabbanit Schlaff joins Rabbi Shmuel Hain to discuss the goals of high school gemara education, recent trends in gemara education in post high school yeshivot and midrashot, and how teaching Torah Shebe’al Peh at SAR High School has changed since the school’s founding twenty years ago.
This edition of INSIDE THE CONVERSATION kicks off a series on Spirituality and the Modern Orthodox Yeshiva High School. How can we help students create and deepen their inner spiritual lives? How can we utilize research on spiritual development in adolescents to encourage Jewish practice that is imbued with meaning? Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff and Dr. Gillian Steinberg coordinated the eight member Faculty Beit Midrash (FBM) group that brainstormed and researched these questions. This edition of Inside the Conversation features two of the FBM research papers and a podcast discussing the group’s work on spirituality.